

Hugo theme for lorhammer.

Live demo here :

Hugo project

Use hugorha

cd themes
git clone

Add hugorha has theme in your config.toml.

All your page of first level menu must have menu: "main" in there meta.

In your config you must have :

# The title of your homepage (to be rendered in /)
homePageTitle = "Hugorha"
# The logo path (placed in /static) and name with the extention
logoFileName = "images/headerLogo.svg"
# Generate JSON to have runtime search
    home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON" ]
    page = [ "HTML" ]
# Add git infos on each files (last modified author and date)
enableGitInfo = true
# Favicons links
favicons = [
    '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="/images/favicon/apple-icon-57x57.png">',

    # The links (label, src) rendered in top /right site
    links = [ [ "itk", "" ], [ "ForkMe ImFamous", "" ] ]

    # The copyright rendered in footer
    copyrightHTML = "Copyright © 2013 John Doe. All Rights Reserved."

    # The font files path (placed in /static) and name with the extention. Only need WOFF2 and WOFF format [Default : sans-serif]
    specialFontName = "font/minspsw"

    # the background color [Default : #FFF]
    bgColor = "#fff"
    # the main color [Default : #60adea]
    mainColor = "#60adea"
    # if gradient 1 and 2 are set, the background of menu and footer will be a gradient
    gradient_1 = "#468ef4"
    gradient_2 = "#266ed4"

    # The text color [Default : #222]
    textColor = "#222"
    # The text color on the main color (like the menu) [Default : #FFF]
    textColorOnMainColor = "#fff"

    # If true the Site Name in the header will be only outlined with the main color [Default : false]
    siteNameBorder = false

    # Color of the alert block [Default : red]
    alertColor = "red"


Full configuration can be found in example/config.toml

Dev on hugorha

hugo server -wDs ./example

Publish new gh-pages

HUGO_BASEURL="" hugo -s ./example
git add -A .
git commit -m "deploy new gh-pages"
git push origin master
This page was written with ❤ by Romain Maneschi the September 6, 2017